Monday, October 15, 2012

Instagram Rant

Saw instagram someone posted a photo showing a bowl of noodles.

Another internet idiot commented about the picture.
Another idiot rant.

Not as bad as that Cheong,
but I got pissed by the remark.

Circled in green are the idiot's remarks.
Blue belongs to another user rebuking him.

That idiot commented tat it's a poor meal.
Only poor low class would buy.

 Pissed, I read further for any other comments...

The hero screwed him,
then the unrepentant replied with:
"My water costs more"

What hell.
Perhaps I shld rebuke him there too.

Idiots everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. he ah seah let him pay $10 for water cum gong kia
