Thursday, September 2, 2010


I find it strange.
It happened tat nite.

I was asleep, dreaming.
Dreaming of playing games wif some friends.
Playing poker perhaps.

Happy reveling moments.
I was talking to one friend,
asking him to show this cards,
can't realli recall wat exactly happened,
shld be I am on the winning side.
So eager to see his cards.

Just as I was abt to open his cards on table,
my sis knocked on my bedroom door,
waking me up frm tat dream.

Wah kaos. It's a dire moment to see his cards,
and wat a tme to knock on my door.

Why at tat moment someone disturbed and
dreams gone.

Why so accurately tat awakening knock happens
at that same nick of tme when I very much
want do something in tat dream.

If only I reveal cards earlier or my sis knocks sightly later.
I would not have waken up feeling a sense of deprivation.

I recalled in tat middle of the nite I was also dreaming,
anticipating something,
yet awake by call of nature to visit the loo.

My qns:
Why disturbances occur at the most anticipating moments in dreams?
This is definitely not the 1st tme.

Have u encountered?
Tink back, u shld have.

When u happily doing something,
then in tat nick of tme u wake up when u don't wan to.
Dashing yr dreams.

Tat dream of playing cards and knocking door,
was so immediately linked.
Flipping open the cards,
and suddenly jumped by the sound
and found myself on my bed.

Weird and hw I hope I can find a theory to it.

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