Sunday, December 12, 2010

chOy! 大吉利事

Just nw @Taka two women walked pass us,
one of them walking with wind.
Head up, chest out, 扭-ing left right left right.

Me+wifey took another look @her~
for her confidence.

She's not pretty (decorously!),
yet many eyes turned to look at her.

We noticed her skirt like 高腰.
Maybe tat's why?

She passed us and KPO-ly, we turned our heads.
Wah Kaoz. Shocking sight.

Skirt was short. Revealing her panties.
So obvious till we giggled giggled.
She put half ball... nope, wrong words.
She put half bucket, HALF-BOTTOM BUCKET.

Don't believe? See picture, I even enlarged it.
Good thing must share. Scared u can't SEE properly.

She purposely wear till like this,
not tat the skirt rolled up, but she kept it up.

Applaud her guts, for showing us what we don't wanna see.

Don't kw wat she wanna proof.
At least..
wear 'I LOVE MUMMY' print so tat we'll kw u love yr mum.

1 comment:

  1. No lor, when we saw her she was on the way to toilet. After coming out STILL like tat. Haha. Coincidentally we saw her again @cini in front of us going up the escalator, we quickly looked away in case we vomit.
