Narnia, The Voyage Of the Dawn Treader
The 2nd sequel returns yet again.
1st under Disney production,
then 2nd release under 20th Century Fox,
Will they be comparable, if not, excel the 1st?
The cast:
Ben Barnes, Liam Neeson, Simon Pegg
Rather than entering Narnia by the wardrobe,
a picture hanging on the wall for no reason inundated the room wif water,
thus catapulting the youngsters into Narnia,
where they face the arduous task to fight the dark evil
and bring back lost villages who are offered to the demon.
Drum rolls, the battle begins...again.
Can the dragon save them?
How I feel:
Altho I can hardly recall the exact story of d 1st episode,
wat's still lingering is tat it was a good movie,
highly exciting, entertaining, bravado to the utmost.
I went to this 2nd voyage wif high anticipation.
Sadly, it wasn't as good as the 1st.
Firstly, the story, the direction, the moral, the integrity of Narnia-ians,
and the desire to fight evil are solely lacking,
They just make up a need and say: "okie, let's go!"
Clearly a sign of trying to make fast cash trying to ride on the 1st.
Could it be the change of company production?
Or just an idea goes dry?
I am not a reader of the Narnia novel,
so my comment hinges solely on the movie.
No magic in the beginning makes me frigid.
Then I have to try to stay awake.
Almost hibernated.
Almost hibernated.
The most evil baddie in the movie is conclusively,
a sea serpent,
or perhaps a water "dragon" tat looks like
a snake wif unrecognizable head.
a snake wif unrecognizable head.
The demonic water serpent is knocked by the ship, retaliates,
then vanquishes by a single stroke of a sword.
No kick man.
We just wana see more devil.
More fierce fighting.
Also, the teamwork effort of Narnia-ians is evidently lacking.
My Review:
I enjoyed the teamwork of the rat and the dragon,
plus the introduction of the odious cousin.
Spice up the otherwise boring sequel.
Come on Narnia, I kw u can do better!
Still watchable lah. But not comparable to the 1st one