I am back frm medan.
B4 i blog on medan,
After doing some prayers for my dad and ancestors.
All of sudden alot of feelings to shout out. to blog.
All thoughts break loose if u blog in the middle of a late nite.
Thoughts tat i just can't contain & wan let loose.
I just need to shout & vent thro. a medium.
Guess this is onli the place i dare to.
I miss my dad.
During the prayers i got a strong desire
to really go up to master monk to ask him to open my eyes
to let mi see dad when he comes for the offerings.
Perhaps i don't have the guts to request.
For he or others might find mi silly.
Or i might get a scoldin for requestin for
something impossible.
Maybe when he opens my 3rd eyes,
It might not close again.
Or maybe,
I would feel worst off if i manage to c anything.
But i just wan to kw hw he is doing.
When a person is nt ard
Then u realise
& reminisce hw much as a children u've failed to
care for yr parents beside u.
We shout at them, vent our fustrations at them when they ask questions,
esp trite & lor soh ones.
When they'r actually showin their care+concern.
Let's b honest wif ourselves:
Have u ever shouted @ them for small,
trivial issues?
Did their qns cause a slice of yr flesh to fall off?
I admit i am a culprit.
Esp in this stressful environment.
I would like to share a small secret.
Once when my dad was walking
quite slowly infront of me,
slowing me dwn as i am behind him,
along tat narrow path.
I heaved a sigh of impatience.
Inner thought:
"ah yoh why so slow?"
Nvr did i kw his tumor impeded his pace.
And nvr did i kw i will nvr have the chance
to say sorry to him again.
Is it wrong to walk slowly?
It's just tat i wanna b fast.
Since then, i told myself,
I'll nvr shout back at my last remaining parents again.
It's now down to how u make them happy,
when they aged and we grow older.
I'll try bery hard nt to.
Time will nvr wait for u,
and time will, and can nvr revert & regress.
Sadly onli memories will.
Don't make the same mistake as me.